Sending report/request...

tap to speak

You want to backup your boards and apps

Please wait while we send an email.
You will receive an email with a link to confirm your email address.
We have confirmed your email address.
You now will receive an automatic backup link every time you do a change to your boards

a talkEZ communication board

tap to speak

tap to speak
Please wait ...

Are you sure want to
delete this app?

Share Board

Notice:Please note that when share and send a link, or give an access code that anyone who has been given that code or link, will be able to open this board.

i'm happy to for this board to be made available in talkez via search and categories

Processing ...

thank you for making this availalbe to others

copy the link below and send it to the person you want to share it with

Add new Board

click if you want to use a template
select a template from the left, or click save to create a blank board

Update Board

click the image to see more choices

Adding new button

click for more images

Adding new category

click for more images

Update button

click for more images

Update category

click for more images

Are you sure want to
delete this phone?

Are you sure you want
to delete this button?

Are you sure want to
delete this Board?

Your boards have been backedup

Allow adult/mature content

when searching for icons?

select a button for who the note relates to



My Notes


PBS Search

If your medication appears after a search, it does NOT mean you qualify for any concession.
Please discuss with your medical professional.

Searching ...


select a board

successfully installed

You can access recordEZ from 'recordEZ' board (see left) or by clicking the 'recordEZ' button

successfully installed

You can now use phraseEZ with your boards

successfully installed

You can now create infoEZ boards

successfully installed

access from 'eventsEZ' board (see left) or by clicking the 'eventsEZ' button

successfully installed

access from 'notesEZ' board (see left) or by clicking the 'notesEZ' button

successfully installed

access from 'medsEZ' board (see left) or by clicking the 'medsEZ' button

successfully installed

access from 'venueEZ' board (see left) or by clicking the 'venueEZ' button

successfully installed

access from 'exerciseEZ' board (see left) or by clicking the 'exerciseEZ' button

successfully installed

access from 'workEZ' board (see left) or by clicking the 'workEZ' button

successfully installed

access from 'pbsEZ' board (see left) or by clicking the 'pbsEZ' button

successfully installed

access from 'paindiaryEZ' board (see left) or by clicking the 'paindiaryEZ' button

Select a board or create a new board


Big Type
Light Theme
Button Borders
Show popups
Allow Button Drag
1.5 sec
2 sec
3 sec
4 sec