
Less Words

BIG type

Due to our own health issues, we've fallen behind. Now on the mend and along with an extra set of hands, we hope to be back on track soon.

You'll see beta's being released this month.

We now have our own personal experience using a wheelchair. We hope the upside will be a greater understanding of how to support people using mobility aids.

Our facebook page is created and we'll be adding content shortly.

We've finished some filming and our movies are now being edited. We'll share these once they are complete.

Our passion to support people in need, remains strong. This will never change.

We hope you'll be patient a little while longer. We believe our products will be well worth the wait.

We do

  • provide free products
  • provide an adjustable interface so it's easier & more relevant for our users
  • work with disability groups & health professionals
  • make clever web solutions
  • embed technology to protect against malicious user attacks (unforuntately this is necessary)

We Don't

  • charge users
  • save sensitive data on our server with your contact details
  • track a user unless the user explicity chooses this as a feature
  • ever spam

We Will

  • always put users first
  • push through any obstacles preventing us from reaching our goals

We Need

  • suggestions how to improve
  • help testing our products to get them out quicker
learn more about being a tester

About the DFI Team

We're not your typical organisation. Each member of the DFI team has someone close who is in need of support. This gives us genuine passion for what we do.

We're a small, but talented team with high level skills in design, media and the technical area (both software and hardware). We also have skills in developing high demand, scalable and secure systems.

We hope rather than criticise, or try to copy, people will tell us how to improve. We will listen and change anything in the interest of our users. Afterall, the technology was never built for us & is available free.

We recommend users always consult their own Health Professionals for advice, prior to selecting or using any products/services. Health professionals are best equipped to give advice as this is beyond the scope and expertise of the DFI team.

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